Evening Standard presents their pick of top Shuffleboard hotspots
We’re thrilled to see that the shuffleboard craze sweeping the UK is showing no signs of slowing, as people in greater numbers than ever pitch themselves into this wonderfully addictive game. London is becoming a particular hotspot for avid shuffleboard fans. In fact, so much so that none other than the Evening Standard has recently published a list of the trendiest venues in the capital to try your hand at the game.
The list is impressively varied; there are great places like the Barrel and Horn for casual players and beginners to see what the fuss is about, alongside suggestions like the Little Shuffle Club, for more experienced or intermediate players to boldly challenge some undisputed masters of the game.
If that’s piqued your curiosity, you can click here to see the Evening Standard’s full list.
Of course, it’s possible that you may not have heard of shuffleboard yourself – and if that’s the case, take it from us, you’re missing a treat! Essentially, the game consists of a long narrow court, upon which players send weighted discs (pucks) gliding across its gilded surface with the intention of having them come to rest within specific marked scoring areas. If you’re skilled and patient enough, there’s nothing stopping you from knocking your opponents’ pucks off their mark, either. It’s trickier than it sounds, and once you’ve seen a game in action, you’ll understand!
The gameplay itself is famously addictive – so much so that people in centuries past were feared to be exactly that, addicted. Henry VIII was particularly worried it might become a distraction amongst his military, so first banned his archers from playing it, then later on extended that ban to the general populace. That didn’t stop the man himself having the occasional flutter on his own games, of course. He once lost £9 betting on the outcome of a game; which is just short of £2000 in today’s money.
If you’ve got £1,900 to spare, here at the Games Room Company we’d recommend keeping that in your back pocket, and just enjoying this wonderful game risk-free.
You may, as so many others regularly do, pine after a shuffleboard table for your own home. If that’s the case, we’ve got some fantastic recommendations amongst our stock, all of which come personally recommended from our Managing Director, Alexander Waldersmith. There’s the elegant Beaufort table, for example, or perhaps you’d prefer the ever-astounding Wellington Shuffleboard table? Feel free to have a look around our website, and see what other surprises we have